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情歌大王 Nat "King" Cole

(I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons - Nat King Cole (Set 1080p for the best quality)


I love you for sentimental reasons
I hope you do believe me
I'll give you my heart

I love you and you alone were meant for me
Please give your loving heart to me
And say we'll never part

I think of you every morning
Dream of you every night
Darling, I'm never lonely
Whenever you are in sight

I love you for sentimental reasons
I hope you do believe me
I've given you my heart

<instrumental interlude>

I love you for sentimental reasons
I hope you do believe me
I've given you my heart

又另一版本Nat King Cole唱 https://youtu.be/shS-56s0LrE


本帖最後由 simo 於 2016-4-23 21:48 編輯
仲有一首好好聽的Nat King Cole的歌叫Te Quiero Dijiste 收錄在他的一張西班牙專輯內。

一首非常有情調 ...
rice333 發表於 2016-4-23 15:15
  Te Quiero Dijiste 之旋律感覺好熟識及十分喜愛,番查原來係我在七十年代初時常聽嘅結他音樂之一,由Los Indios Tabajaras演奏嘅,當年並不留意曲名, 但就好好聽 … Los Indios Tabajaras - Te Quiero Dijiste  https://youtu.be/NOxhGSlNKBQ


仲有一首好好聽的Nat King Cole的歌叫Te Quiero Dijiste 收錄在他的一張西班牙專輯內。

一首非常有情調 ...
rice333 發表於 2016-4-23 15:15
  上一視频某些瀏覧器會看不到,看再多一視频選擇, https://youtu.be/pLks1mLWyfw


仲有一首好好聽的Nat King Cole的歌叫Te Quiero Dijiste 收錄在他的一張西班牙專輯內。

電影《花樣年華》亦用上Nat King Cole這首歌,營造出浪漫的懷舊風情。


  • simo


本帖最後由 simo 於 2016-4-22 22:55 編輯

Nat king cole在1964年被診斷患肺癌,其後接受左肺切除手術,三星期後於1965年睡夢中病逝,享年45歲
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Nat King Cole仲有一首我最愛聽嘅係Pretend,佢話人生要快樂就要多些pretend喎… Pretend you're happy when you're blue
It isn't very hard to do
And you'll find happiness without an end
Whenever you pretend

Remember anyone can dream
And nothing's bad as it may seem
The little things you haven't got
Could be a lot if you pretend

You'll find a love you can share
One you can call all your own
Just close your eyes, she'll be there
You'll never be alone

And if you sing this melody
You'll be pretending just like me
The world is mine, it can be yours, my friend
So why don't you pretend?

And if you sing this melody
You'll be pretending just like me
The world is mine, it can be yours, my friend
So why don't you pretend? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlhHIfgjFVk


本帖最後由 rice333 於 2016-1-4 18:12 編輯

[quote]Nat King Cole已死去多年,其女兒亦去世,但Nat King Cole


回復 8# simo



When I Fall in Love 夠晒經典,真正聽出耳油 https://youtu.be/oq-O1SiB0l4


Fascination一曲亦令人勾起當年歐西曲情懷 https://youtu.be/oq-O1SiB0l4


本帖最後由 simo 於 2016-1-3 12:19 編輯
今天看到其女兒Natalie Cole 辭世的消息。
我也曾因以下這首歌而購買了一張Natalie Cole的CD。

Nat K ...
rice333 發表於 2016-1-2 23:32
Nat King Cole已死去多年,其女兒亦去世,但Nat King Cole嘅歌聲仍在老一輩人腦海中不斷迴響,最喜歡佢唱呢首too young http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KaFtsqU2V6U


本帖最後由 rice333 於 2016-1-3 00:19 編輯

今天看到其女兒Natalie Cole 辭世的消息。
我也曾因以下這首歌而購買了一張Natalie Cole的CD。

Nat King Cole真的好好聽。任何歌由他唱出,感覺都極自然,而有吸引力(或許就是那種聲線),百聽不厭。


nat king cole 多首名曲,横跨四、五、六十年代,至今在老一輩朋友仍未忘懷其具感性聲韻。


  • LouisLee


Nat King Cole - Too Young (Set 1080p for High Quality)


They try to tell us we're too young
Too young to really be in love
They say that love's a word
A word we've only heard
But can't begin to know the meaning of

And yet we're not too young to know
This love will last though years may go
And then some day they may recall
We were not too young at all

And yet we're not too young to know
This love will last though years may go
And then some day they may recall
We were not too young at all


  • simo


Pretend - Nat King Cole (Set 1080p for the best quality)


Pretend you're happy when you're blue
It isn't very hard to do
And you'll find happiness without an end
Whenever you pretend

Remember anyone can dream
And nothing's bad as it may seem
The little things you haven't got
Could be alot if you pretend

You'll find a love you can share
One you can call all your own
Just close your eyes, she'll be there
You'll never be alone

And if you sing this melody
You'll be pretending just like me
The world is mine, it can be yours, my friend
So why don't you pretend?

[Musical Interlude]

And if you sing this melody
You'll be pretending just like me
The world is mine, it can be yours, my friend
So why don't you pretend?


  • simo

